NIVA’s Use Case 1C provides a technical solution for a Farmer Performance Dashboard that creates a structured overview of statistical information and benchmarking for a single farm on one page. It is done by using both Farm Management Information System (FMIS) and Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) data as input.
What is the Use Case about?
In most cases IACS and FMIS are maintained in separate systems even though they both contain data about the same farm. Additionally, the data from national Animal Register complements this domain. UC1C demonstrates a way of creating additional value for different stakeholders by combining all these three datasets and adding a feature of comparing farms with others of similar type and size.
The outcomes of the Use Case are:
- Farmer Performance Dashboard application.
- API-s for exchanging data between IACS and FMIS.
The Use Case was developed by Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB). It was tested by ARIB and AGEA (National Coordinating body of Italian Paying Agencies).
The results of this Use Case are used in Estonia as a basis for the development of National Electronic Field Record Project in 2022-2023.
More information can be found on the NIVA website: and the source code is available on GitLab: