NIVA workshop “The development of agro-environmental and agro-climatic indicators for monitoring the impacts of future CAP”.
On the 5th of February 2020 the H2020 project NIVA organised and hosted a workshop called “The development of agro-environmental and agro-climatic indicators for monitoring the impacts of future CAP”. The workshop’s aim was to explore possibilities for the operationalisation of environmental performance through indicator monitoring with respect to the new CAP. Secondly, it is crucial to make the link between stakeholders (European Commission DGs and national authorities) and activities on agro-environmental and agro-climatic indicators and on data re-use for environmental purposes as part of the NIVA project.
With contributions of several stakeholders inside and outside NIVA (EC DG-AGRI, EC DG-CLIMA, EC DG JRC, Wageningen Research, INRAE and the European Environment Bureau) the participants of the workshop discussed a variety of topics relating to the use of of agro-environmental and agro-climatic indicators. The discussion led to the following key findings:
· IACS data are very valuable to assess indicators but are not ready for analysis;
· Achieving relevant agro-environmental and agro-climatic indicators require a development process with involvement of all stakeholders, including farmers.
· Indicators need to be relevant for the farmer, not just about the farmer, to monitor performance and provide timely feedback.
· Performance assessment reflects multi-annual land management.
The results of the workshop will be used as input for the NIVA Use Case 1b (Agro-environmental monitoring) and the deliverable D5.4 IACS Open Data environmental monitoring. More elaborated information about the workshop will be distributed in a NIVA policy brief.