In cooperation with the Department of Geodesy and Cadastre of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the National Paying Agency (NPA) has implemented the project “Sentinel Satellite Image Processing” financed by the European Space Agency, which aims to deepen students’ knowledge in satellite image processing and practical application thereof.

During the project, a new study programme “Sentinel Satellite Image Processing” aimed at expanding and deepening the knowledge of professionals and academic youth in the practical application of satellite images and addressing relevant issues (e.g. identifying flooded or drought-affected fields) was developed and tested in practice. Employees of Control Department of the NPA, who have been using Sentinel satellite images to check the fields declared by applicants for the third year now, successfully tested the developed programme and rated it very well. The study programme will be taught at the Department of Geodesy and Cadastre for students studying for master’s, in Lithuanian and English.