Good news came from the European Commission – the Lithuanian Agro Space Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) has been registered. 10 key stakeholders (governmental institutions, clusters, industry & business associations and science & technology parks) have expressed their interest in mutual cooperation and the establishment of this DIH. Vilnius Industry and Business Association acts as the coordinator of the DIH.
The National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture (NPA) is among the members of this recently established DIH, being an institution actively introducing digital and space innovations in its daily activities, related to management of the European Union support to agriculture and rural development.
Agro Space DIH is tailored in the way that each and every company can take the benefit of the digital opportunities. In cooperation with member and partner organisations, the hub is able to provide the needed support and consultations for local SME’s in Lithuania in the fields related to digital technology development.
The objective of the initiative is to help in creating added value, improve business and service processes and foster mutual communication between different actors involved in the process. This is being achieved through “One-Stop-Shop” service that is provided by the network and partnering organisations. The network enables all industry players to initiate, design and reciprocate technologies and best practices at any given development phase.
The majority of the network activities are aimed at bringing together (events, search of partners, finding investment, helping to commercialise products and services) Lithuanian research and development expertise in the field of digital technology innovations related to agriculture and rural development. The usual practice of DIH is to lead a company through the full-length process (strategic phase, initial phase, concept phase, development phase) of achieving the solution launch, focusing mainly on TRL4 to TRL9 (TRL – technology readiness level). The scope of services also include networking, collaborative research, commercial infrastructure, financial aid through different instruments (e.g. Horizon 2020, COSME, etc.).
The NPA membership in the Agro Space DIH will contribute to the successful implementation of the H2020 NIVA project.
You can find more info about the DIH here: