A lot of resources are nowadays allocated to develop new Earth Observation (EO), GIS, software and mobile solutions for farmers, but farmers still struggle to quickly uptake all the technological novelties in order to farm more effectively and save resources. In most cases they lack time, willingness, understanding and competence, but sometimes, because the information is just hard to find.
In order to solve this problem, the National Paying Agency (NPA) of Lithuania have updated its website (www.nma.lt) and now provides easy to spot useful links to freely available EO data: Copernicus Services (flooded and drought areas), SentinelHUB (NDVI and other indexes), Lithuanian open geospatial data portal (LPIS and application data) and other. Also, a series of webinars are planned in order to present the vast possibilities of these services.
With this the NPA expects to reduce the gap between new technologies and farmers by showing how the new technologies and constantly updated data can contribute to more sustainable and effective farming.