On 12 May 2022, Suzanne Jean and Sébastien Laville, students in the ENSG (French National School of Geographic Sciences) presented their work about a digital atlas related to the carbon indicator data provided by the NIVA Use Case (UC1b) “agro-environmental monitoring”.
The first part of the atlas provides maps displaying data related to the UC1b tool on carbon indicator, such as the concerned crops, intermediary results (number of days with active vegetation), the CO2 flux itself and quality information about the temporal series of NDVI used to compute this indicator. The second part of the atlas presents a few examples of analysis, e.g. the influence of the crop or crop group on CO2 flux.
In autumn 2021, a preliminary training session on same topic was performed by Léo Tuffery and Thomas Pottelet, also students at ENSG. This preliminary work has been very useful to refine the expectations about the digital atlas and the additional work of Suzanne and Sébastien has enabled to provide a document mature enough to be provided to potential users of data on carbon indicator Tier 1.