In the NIVA UC4B (machine data) taking into account the farmer’s perspective is an important element. The Use Case proved that it’s technically possible to create a data flow from a farmer’s machine to the Paying Agency. However, innovation is not only about creating technical solutions, but also solutions that people are willing to use.
To see how farmers think about data farming and the use of farm data for the CAP schemes ZLTO commissioned a research by students from the Dutch HAS University of Applied Sciences. Two students conducted this research and presented their preliminary results also in the NIVA Stakeholder forum in Dublin in April 2022. Now their report is finalized. The objective of this research was to conduct an exploratory study into the ideal combination of as-applied machine data and policy, which create added value for the farmer and the Paying Agency (RVO).
The recommendation from the study was to start monitoring machine data for things that pose negligible risk in terms of privacy and generate economic gain in order to increase trust between the two parties. In addition, it is important to develop a reliable, functional, and independent system for sharing machine data between the parties, where the farmers are in control of their data. The most important advice is to create added value in management decisions, for farmers, and in a reliable control process, for the paying agency.
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