The project NIVA (New IACS Vision in Action) is happy to announce a series of webinars for broad participation by all interested! Unfortunately, we had to replace the physical Stakeholder Forum that was supposed to take place in Dublin in May 2020 with a virtual Stakeholder Forum. We would love to update the stakeholders of NIVA, and also consider the use of digital technologies in these special circumstances for CAP monitoring.
NIVA therefore organises three webinars in a row:
- NIVA State of Play (Tuesday 23 June 2020) 10.00 – 12.00 CEST
- Digital Technologies & On-the-Spot-Checks (OTSC) in times of COVID-19 (Tuesday 30 June 2020) 10.00 – 12.00 CEST
- Data-sharing and IACS data (Tuesday 7 July 2020) 10.00 – 12.00 CEST
If you are interested to join the webinar(s) please register on:
NIVA State of Play:
Digital Technologies & On-the-Spot-Checks (OTSC) in times of COVID-19:
Data-sharing and IACS data:
Upon registration, NIVA will send you an mail with the participation details. Of course, you are more than welcome to forward this email to your colleagues and other partners that might be interested in the webinar(s).
NIVA state of Play
In this webinar the NIVA project will showcase the state of play of the project. NIVA will demonstrate what the project offers for the future CAP. After the webinar the participant will have a better view on the digital technologies and e-tools developed in NIVA is, what is important to understand about the implementation of these digital technologies in your organization or CAP monitoring process, and how it can contribute to the implementation of the future CAP.
Digital Technologies & On-the-Spot-Checks (OTSC) in times of COVID-19
Following the regulation encourages Member States to make more use of satellite data and geotagged photos, which are digital technologies piloted in NIVA and which were discussed in the first NIVA Stakeholder Forum on Checks-by-Monitoring. In this webinar we will present the potential of the use of such technologies in managing smartly the On-the-Spot-Checks, and the relevant NIVA innovations. Participants are invited to actively share their insights and approaches through interactive tools
Data-sharing and IACS data
On the one hand there are high expectations on the value of data sharing, on the other hand there are concerns on privacy and sharing. As IACS data has potential for sharing and supporting the EU data economy, while it can also benefit from data shared from other sources, for example farm machinery. This webinar provides the most relevant developments in data sharing around IACS & CAP monitoring from a policy, private sector and farm point of view, seeking to provide a basic understanding of a complex issue: How can an IACS design guarantee both the protection of privacy and the necessity of sharing? What is desired, what is feasible?