The eCrop standard has been designed for the exchange between farmers and their related stakeholders (e.g. farm suppliers, food system, advisers ….). It provides the structure of the messages to be exchanged between the farmer system and the other systems.

This standard includes information about:

  • The farm (Agricultural Production Unit)
  • Farm location (fields and installations)
  • Farmer
  • Crops
  • Activities.

The eCrop standard has been designed for data exchange and not for data storage (that is the purpose of UC3). However, the eCrop data model might be used as starting point for UC3.  Likely, UC3 should not adopt eCrop as a whole but make its own profile, by identifying the subsets of interest.

The webinar was presented by:

Hepco Homminga, RVO and Mercedes Forteza, TRAGSATEC

Presentation in PDF