UC2 leader NPA organized event “NIVA tools for future CAP” for engaged stakeholders, IACS and GIS experts, inspectors from regional offices took place on 30th March 2022. The aim of the meeting was to review the innovative tools under development within the scope of Horizon 2020 projects with the participation of the NPA as well as to summarize the upcoming challenges of the CAP 2023-2027. The respective Horizon 2020 projects were presented, current versions of NIVA tools and their tests results, also how these tools could be integrated into the existing IT infrastructure and processes in the future together with other tools from NPA projects such as DIONE, ENVISION and EIFFEL.
During live demo session UC2 preliminary parcels boundaries’ results were shown on screen with possible usage examples. Also, early stage crop classification was presented and demonstrated based on Sen4CAP results alongside robotized workflow to capture data from state forest service webpage to NPA data base. The participants discussed UC2 deployment achievements, improvements and priorities for final phase, and it was agreed for 2022 claim year to run, test and improve the preliminary parcels boundaries’ algorithm by using 1 m deep resolving Sentinel 2 image as input data, purchased from Norwegian company. The UC2 team hopes, that 1 m image will improve the overall quality and will push the algorithm to fully operational level. Also, the image will be uploaded to LPIS for land cover/usage update, application submission system for more accurate applications and “NMA agro” mobile app for farmer self-check.
After numerous discussions the participants concluded, that NIVA project results will lead to real benefits for future IACS processes and will definitely reduce administrative burden and speed up payments to the farmers. Also, that other NIVA tools – for LPIS automated update, geotagged photos’ automated recognition with AI and agro-environmental monitoring, should be a priority while preparing for the new CAP.