NIVA is working on the broader use of IACS Data. The importance of IACS Data is also recognised and handled in the work of UN-GGIM: Europe. UN-GGIM: Europe is the Regional Committee for Europe of the United Nations initiative on Global Geographic Information Management and has set up a Working Group on core data (WGA).
Core data has been defined as data considered as the most useful to analyse, achieve or monitor the Sustainable Development Goals. WG A has identified 14 core themes and for each of these themes, has elaborated recommendations for content.
The recommendations for content of theme Land Use promote crop maps as core data and recognize LPIS-GSAA data as a very valuable source.
More details may be found here:
Core Spatial Data Theme Land Use Recommendation for Content (
In addition, a draft version of the list of High Value Datasets (complementing the Open Data Directive) has been published by the European Commission. The High Value Datasets (HVD) must be published free of charge and made available in machine readable formats via APIs and often also as bulk download.
This list includes 6 domains: geospatial, Earth Observation and environment, meteorological, statistics, companies and company ownership, mobility.
Reference parcels, agricultural parcels, landscape features, areas with natural constraints and information about animals are mentioned as HVD under the domain “geospatial”.