The MEF4CAP project seeks to harness the benefits of technology to meet the new data needs which are prompted by reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Green Deal, and the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. This requires new solutions which keep costs and administrative burden minimal, while optimizing the value of the collected data. To deliver a roadmap for future monitoring solutions, the project wants to draw on the insights and perspectives of relevant stakeholders.
In this event, the MEF4CAP team will present the future data needs and potential sources identified in the first year of the project, and some of the promising ‘pathways’ linking monitoring and evaluation needs with technologies. We will also invite participants to share their feedback and own experiences; as farmers, what benefits are there from using certain technologies (e.g. remote sensing)? As tech providers, what technologies can be expected to be rolled out widely in the next decade? As policy makers and administrators, what data is needed to monitor key policy objectives, with minimal cost and burden? These are just some examples of the questions we will discuss in this interactive workshop. We hope you will join us to explore these key challenges together.
For the full agenda, check the event webpage.
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Please register here: Exploring new data & technologies to measure sustainability in agriculture | Eventbrite
The MEF4CAP project team looks forward to welcoming you at the workshop.