The following deliverables from WP3 are now available on

D3.1 Common glossary

This glossary aims to provide definitions and descriptions for the terms used in the NIVA project and deserving explanations. It is expected to be used as support by the readers of any other NIVA document (deliverable, article). For instance, the glossary is the place where to find the meaning of the often-used acronyms or where to get a reminder of the project partners, Work Packages and Use Cases.


D3.3 Common guidelines for software development

This deliverable provide generic recommendations about good quality coding and some more specific recommendations aiming to ensure that the NIVA tools may be easily adaptable in all European countries. The document targets mainly the NIVA developing teams, but the generic recommendations may be of interest for anyone involved in software development.


D3.4 Recommendation for IACS data flows

This deliverable provides an overview and recommendations about the technical standards (formats, services, metadata) that should be used by Paying Agencies to exchange IACS data and by NIVA developers when designing their tools. The document targets mainly the Paying Agencies, but it may be of interest also for the current or potential users of IACS data.


D3.7 Guidelines to cope with legal issues

This deliverable provides a state-of-play of European regulations dealing with data sharing or with data protection and some general advices to encourage more data sharing, while respecting current laws. The document targets mainly the Paying Agencies, but it may be of interest also for the current or potential users of IACS data.