On the 10th of December 2020 NIVA hosted the webinar “Modernising the CAP to help deliver the European Green Deal”. In this webinar NIVA showcased how the work of the project can be related to the European Commission’s Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork strategy. Besides the presentations panellists were included in the programme to reflect. The fact that on average 135 participants joined the webinar shows how important this issue is.
After a short introduction by Folkwin Poelman (RVO) on the programme of the webinar the floor was taken by Célia Nyssens (EEB) and Tamme van der Wal (WUR). They gave an impression of the Policy Brief NIVA published on how modernizing the CAP can help deliver the policy objectives as laid down in the Green Deal:
- using new data sources, automation and machine learning enables the EU and Member States to reward and monitor better environmental performance in the CAP;
- technology also helps to reduce administrative burden by making more use of already collected data, from satellites, sensors, machinery and other sources;
- modernising the IACS by absorbing new technologies, improves the robustness and granularity of the monitoring of the CAP’s environmental performance. This will open the door to move to a truly performance-based policy.
The way digitalization could help, was presented by Fabio Slaviero (Abaco). In his presentation Fabio showcased how digitalization and tools support the policies. From DG AGRI Sophie Helaine reflected on what she thinks what the benefits of digitalization is. In addition Ethan Cleary (COPA-COGECA) shared the farmer’s view. The farmer plays a central role in reaching the CAP objectives.
The final presentation on the work of UC1B (agro-environmental indicators) for a performance-oriented CAP was delivered by Emmanuel de Laroche (ASP), Eric Ceschia (INRAe) and Clélia Sirami (INRAe). From DG CLIMA Christine Müller and from DG AGRI Sophie Helaine shared their opinions on the link between the CAP and the effect on the environment. The webinar was concluded with a lively Q&A. Based on the discussions and the linkages that were identified the general opinion was that this webinar needs a follow-up.
If you missed the webinar or want to relive it, please check the presentations and recordings:
1. NIVA Policy Brief Green Deal
3. NIVA UC1B Agro-environmental indicators