After an introduction by Tamme van der Wal (Aerovision, Capigi, NIVA) that the dazzling innovations in spatial data acquisition and data processing lead to some challenges. The difficulty arises when data are collected by others: by satellites, by machines (operated by farmers though) or sensors or by suppliers, contractors or buyers of the farm produce. Or by governments. Who controls data sovereignty? And how can privacy be infringed.Another difficulty lies within the data sharing, when data is shared and used for other purposes then it was originally collected. Or if data is used and shared beyond the original purpose. Is the Code of Conduct from the farmers organisations and industry covering all of this?

First Thomas Engel (John Deere European Technology Innovation Centre) gave an impression how John Deere is handling all the data flows coming from the machines. After that Marc Middendorp (RVO) gave an overview on the work of the Use Cases in NIVA that deals with data. Special attention was paid to the Use Case 4B that deals with machine data, creating a dataflow from the machine to the Paying Agency. The last presentation was delivered by Daniel Azevedo (COPA-COGECA) in which he gave the important view of the farmers and their data.

The webinar concluded with a lively Q&A, in which many questions were directed to the presenters. Since the discussion was so lively and time was too short not all the discussions and questions were finalised. NIVA will continue to disseminate the discussion.

The presentations and recordings of this webinar can be found at the CAPIGI website: