The online workshop „Copernicus and the Common Agricultural Policy” was held on 9-10 March 2021.

The goals of this workshop were four-fold:

1) to assess the current state of play related to the use of Copernicus for Agriculture and for the support to the Common Agricultural Policy,

2) to present the proposed evolution of Copernicus data and services under the new Space Regulation,

3) to collect success stories and needs from stakeholders including Commission DG’s, Member States and farmers

4) to invite stakeholders to discuss potential improvement in the support that Copernicus can bring to the Common Agricultural Policy including in the conduction of research on specific topics.

The success story of NIVA agro-environmental indicators fit well in the context of Copernicus contribution to the CAP in the area of Environment-Climate change. During the session focused on Environment, Climate, Forest, Bio-Economy, NIVA project depending on Sentinel data was presented by Eric Ceschia from CESBIO laboratory at INRAE (Agronomical French Institute).

The first developed indicator – Carbon indicator – aims at the empirical estimation of the net annual CO2 flux at parcel level. Carbon indicator was successfully tested not only in selected various areas in France but also in other countries from NIVA project, such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain.

Net annual CO2 fluxes of croplands in the Netherlands (2018)

Presentation can be found at the Copernicus event website: