The Final User Workshop of the Sen4CAP project was held on 4-5 March 2021. During the session focused on lessons learned from Sen4CAP Pilot Countries, NIVA agro-environmental indicators were presented.
The first developed indicator – Carbon indicator – aims at the empirical estimation of the net annual CO2 flux at parcel level. It is computed using as input data temporal series of NDVI that may come from the Sen4CAP tools. Carbon indicator was successfully tested not only in selected areas in France but also in other countries from NIVA project, such as the Netherlands and Spain.
Net CO2 flux at agricultural parcel level on an irrigated area in Andalusia (South of Spain)
The example has been considered of great interest because it may enlarge the community of potential Sen4CAP users.
Two other indicators will soon make it possible to extend the calculation of the impact of agricultural practices on the environment, in particular with the nitrate leaching and biodiversity indicators.
Presentation can be found at the Sen4CAP event website: Sen4CAP_FinalUserWorkshop_LessonsLearned_FRA (