The 52nd conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies was organized as part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union on the 5th of October 2022. In this one day online event NIVA had the opportunity to inform all the European Paying Agencies on the outcomes of the NIVA Stakeholder Forum and Project meeting that took place just the week before. With all Member States present the audience consisted of 140 participants.

In the previous Directors Conference NIVA was also on display, whereas the emphasis of the presentation was on the individual Use Cases. In this 52nd Conference NIVA focused on the outcomes of the NIVA Results Conference in general. By introducing the Theory of Change (ToC) that NIVA has been working on in the last 3,5 years and explaining the next steps of NIVA. As was demonstrated NIVA was successful in increasing the collaboration and hence working on the challenges Paying Agencies have to deal with. On Santorini the general feeling that this collaboration should be further increased and focused in the future in order to achieve even greater things. This important call for continued and intensified cooperation was shared with the audience.

The NIVA presentation can be found HERE