Table 1 Overview of NIVA progress on main challenges


M0-baseline situation

M18 NIVA achievements

Absorbing innovations to simplify the governance

  •  Innovations implemented separately in the 41 different IACS systems in Europe

  • only 2 to 3 open source solutions covering small parts of IACS systems

  • More than 30 components have been developed and are being tested in cross-boundary collaboration

  • Working modes to learn from each other in an active way, and start relying on developments implemented in different PA systems.

  • Methodologies for Multi-Actor development and innovation deployment in IACS specified

Reducing socio-economic and administrative burden to farmers

  • Digital innovations offer potential to reduce the burdens to farmers and PA`s,

  • Digital innovation being tested in some research projects

  •  Different aspects of implementing digital solutions have been aligned through an 'As-is' analysis

  • Wider adoption of research products in innovations and field testing ongoing

  • Pilots being tested specifically focused on lowering administrative burden through technology

Reducing the gap between IACS data use and potential broader uses

  • IACS derived data are shared in some member states on an 'As-is' basis

  • lack of standardization across claim years and common lists of relevant attributes (e.g. parcels, crops, vegetation types)

  • Raised awareness on need and pressure points for harmonisation and shared services

  • IACS evolution based on components developed in different trials and experiences with testing

  • Joint learning on potential IACS evolution through digital innovations through cross-collaboration

Table 2 Sub-objectives of NIVA and achievements made till Month 18


M0-baseline situation

M18 NIVA achievements

Integrate and reuse IACS evolutions based on open standards and common services

  • Lack of standardisation across IACS systems

  • Largely independent development within MS borders

  • Raised awareness on need and pressure points for harmonisation and shared services

  • IACS evolution based on components developed in different trials and experiences with testing

  • Joint learning on potential IACS evolution through digital innovations through cross-collaboration

Build on farmers' acceptance of the Smart Monitoring methodology

  • Testing panels in different Member states

  • Demands in new CAP for more monitoring data raising challenges with farmers

  • Methodologies for joint development in a co-design and multi-actor approach

  • Active participation of farmer and farmer representatives in developing new monitoring approaches

  • Active participation of farmers in NIVA events

Reducing the gap between IACS data use and potential broader uses**

  • IACS derived data are shared in some member states on an 'As-is' basis

  • lack of standardisation across years and common issues

  • Operational testing of IACS data use in pilots for other purposes ;

  • Standardisation issues in IACS highlighted and recommendations provided in a stakeholder oriented way

Create a permanent exchange platform for discussion and exchange

  • Knowledge flow largely passive through presentation sessions at annual events

  • EC DG JRC as a knowledge partner for both EC services and MS PA's

  • Joint collaboration and working modes between MS on diverse aspects of IACS systems

  • NIVA providing knowledge products and briefs complementary to EC DG JRC

  • Increasing participation across stakeholder groups in NIVA stakeholder events.

** overlaps with challenges as presented above