An online event “Digitalisation – an opportunity for agri-food sector” organised by the European Parliament office in Lithuania and the non-profit digital innovation centre AgriFood DIH Lithuania, with the participation of NIVA member – National Paying Agency Of Lithuania (NPA) – took place on 11 February.
Among the speakers of the event there were high-ranking Lithuanian officials, including the Member of the European Parliament Juozas Olekas, the Vice-Minister for Agriculture Paulius Lukševičius, the Director of AgriFood Lithuania DIH and the Director of the Lithuanian Cluster Network Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, the Chairman of the Economic Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania Kazys Starkevičius, the Director of the Institute of Economics and Rural Development Dr. Rasa Melnikienė and Raimundas Juknevičius, the Deputy Chairman of the Lithuanian Farmers’ Union.
The scope of the debates comprised the overview of digitalisation achievements, challenges and aspirations of Lithuanian and European agricultural sector‘ players. The focus was on possible assistance and consultancies for farmers as regards promotion of using innovative technologies in their agricultural practices. EO-based technologies, including soil and ferilizer management, etc., are now beng discussed within the Lithuanian Government to be included in the national agenda, following the priorities specified in the EC Recovery and Resilience Facility. NPA mobile application (NMA agro), which is used by the NPA and its clients for over a couple of years, online submission of direct payments‘ applications initiated by the NPA over 10 years ago, process robotisation, digital registers, the future impact of international projects, like NIVA, were presented among the digitalization achievements.