NIVA has captured its objectives for impact, and the way to achieve these impacts in a Theory of Change (ToC) scheme below. The NIVA ToC explains schematically how NIVA activities link to project deliverables (outputs). It also shows how, during and beyond the NIVA, this will lead to short and medium-term changes (results) around the implementation of the CAP and its monitoring, through outreach and adoption. The ToC also shows the performance indicators that NIVA uses to evaluate its objectives. These indicators are measured and monitored throughout NIVA.

The ToC is constructed with elements at different levels: activities, outputs and results. These are altogether connected to NIVA’s ultimate goals. At the bottom of the scheme, NIVA activities are grouped according to work-packages. WP4 and WP6 are regarded as functional to the development of the Large-Scale Pilots (WP2). Also based on the definitions in the EU Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PMEF) we then have the immediate outputs of the project and further to this, project results. These are all expected to contribute to the new IACS and to some extent also go beyond, connecting to the ultimate objectives of the new CAP.

With regards to output KPIs we consider the number of methods, indicators, and applications delivered, and also the number of datasets published as open data. In relation to the ‘Innovation ecosystem’ KPIs we include the number of stakeholder events, communication materials published, and other (communication) actions disseminated.   Finally, with reference to interoperability, output KPIs refer to the number of interoperability standards developed. In relation to the result KPIs we are considering two levels, outreach (farmers reached and area covered, number of stakeholders informed, etc.) and adoption of NIVAs outputs which implies usage, acceptance and innovation uptake with a recognition of its value or burden reduction by the users (both PAs and farmers). We include KPIs measuring existing data being reused and valorised, establishment of collaborations and interactions between stakeholders and co-design of solutions, thus going beyond the uptake of a specific innovation (e.g. with reference to interoperability standards). 

Figure 1: Theory of Change and main KPIs

For NIVA performance monitoring, KPI values attained at specific milestones are compared with baseline and target values to 1) track the NIVA progress and allow adjustments and 2) assess the achievement of the original objectives. With regards to the baseline values, we should consider that for most of the KPIs these equate to 0, given that the products and services developed on NIVA refer to new IACS and CAP objectives, therefore not comparable with the current ones. Baseline values differ from zero in the case of burden reduction both for farmers and PAs.

Read more on baseline KPIs values here: .