The ENRD Evaluation Helpdesk is pleased to invite you to the Good Practice Workshop, ‘New tools for monitoring and evaluation: insights from the Evaluation Knowledge Bank’. This workshop will take place on 20-21 October 2021, Online.


The Evaluation Helpdesk has put data management at the centre of its agenda in 2021 through its good practice workshops and its thematic working group, ‘Taking stock of the EU-level initiatives and projects for improving data-management and information systems for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation’. The results of these activities has been an Evaluation Knowledge Bank which provides valuable insights into various outputs developed in initiatives and projects at the EU and Member State levels concerning data infrastructures and data use. The Evaluation Knowledge Bank further proposes a quick guide on potential use, showing how these outputs could be used for monitoring and evaluation of the CAP.


This Good Practice Workshop (GPW) will promote, share and communicate the results of some of these research projects that are relevant for the evaluation of the CAP. It will also complement the previous Good Practice Workshop 16, which already presented some of these projects. More specifically it will aim to:

  • Present those research project’s outputs that have already produced practical and transferable results that can be used for evaluations at the Member State level.
  • Address some of the evaluation needs concerning data collection and usage.
  • Discuss specific issues that can facilitate or hamper the incorporation/transfer of identified (data collection, management and monitoring) outputs into evaluations at the Member State level.

Target Audience:

The workshop will be an opportunity to bring together evaluation practitioners like Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, evaluators, researchers and other evaluation stakeholders in the Member States as well as EU-level evaluation experts and researchers to discuss, share concerns and exchange experiences.

Download the Draft Agenda