Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the JRC had to cancel the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) workshop planned in Stuttgart, nevertheless they organised a technical webinar on November 5 (LINK). This technical webinar aimed to inform the IACS community about the recent outputs from the JRC on technical guidance and the various Sentinel uses.

The JRC activities on IACS did not stop during this period. In collaboration with Member States who adopted checks by monitoring (CbM) and with DG AGRI, the JRC developed several solutions, methodologies and tools. Amongst the interesting things, the JRC was showcasing the DIAS services in conjunction with Jupyter Notebooks in the context of CbM algorithms and new reusable components available on github. CbM and small parcels, with HHR experience, was also presented.

Four sessions were covering:

• 2020/2021 Technical guidance on controls (OTSC/LPIS – On The Spot Checks/Land Parcel Identification system)

• DIAS (Data Information and Access Service) onboarding technology

• CbM (Checks by monitoring) methodology and technology

• CbM QA (Quality Assurance)


Presentations are available HERE.