On the 9th of December 2021 a webinar was organised by Capigi with support from NIVA. Grassland is perhaps the most common land cover in Europe, with more than a third of agricultural land being either temporary or permanent grassland. Grasslands are very diverse in terms of management, yield and biodiversity value: They range from semi-natural grasslands with low yields and high biodiversity values to fertilized mono-cultural grasslands. And data about grassland, grassland monitoring, is very crucial to a diversity of policies: The Green Deal, the Climate Law, the Nitrate directive and other policies crave for grassland data. And – you may have guessed – satellite data and other geospatial data are the sources for grassland monitoring. In this webinar three different cases of grassland data use and monitoring were presented. The recordings are available on the Capigi website: https://www.capigi.eu/Webinars-2020-2021