Eurisy Copernicus events
If you are interested in the use of Copernicus NIVA wants to bring your attention to some events of Eurisy. Eurisy is a Paris based, non-profit association gathering space agencies, international organisations, research institutions, and private businesses involved or interested in space-related activities across Europe. More about Eurisy here.
We send you below the relevant information:
“Copernicus and me” launch event, 10th February 2022, 10:30-12:05 CET, online event
Don’t miss the opportunity to preview the videos realised within the “Copernicus and me” initiative by registering to the Launch Event!
Eurisy and CNES invite you to find out about six down-to-earth experiences of use of the data provided by the European Copernicus satellites by local and public administrations and private companies.
You will be able to watch the videos and make questions to the organisations using the Copernicus data operationally. Forget about PowerPoint presentations and enjoy this visual event!
Event page:
Registration link:
We send you attached the visual for this event and a promotional video:
Space for Cities: Earth Observation for sustainable development, 16 February 2022, 15:00 – 18:00 CET, online event
This workshop aims at discussing the potential uses of Earth Observation to achieve and monitor the Sustainable Development Goals in cities.
The workshop will introduce the audience to the newly released Earth Observations Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements.
Two use cases from the Toolkit will be showcased by local and regional administrations, who will explain how they themselves use the Toolkit to monitor their progresses towards urban sustainability, focusing in particular on SDG 11 and how EO is integrated in daily and planning routines.
Moreover, the workshop will deliver a hands-on introduction on two portals making available EO data and services for cities. The audience will be actively involved in the workshop, will receive background materials beforehand and will be engaged into Q&A sessions and live surveys to provide feedback on the presented contents.
Event page:
Registration link: